Government of Goa Inviting Application For The Post of Various Post

Applications in prescribed format  are invited by the Director, Directorate of Technical Education, Alto-Porvorim, Bardez -Goa, for filling the below listed posts on regular basis from eligible candidates.

1.Instructor in Physical Education:
Essential: i) Degree of recognized University or equivalent ii) Degree in Physical Education of a recognized
 University iii) Knowledge of Konkani.
Desirable: i) Experience/participation in sports /games ii)Knowledge of Marathi

2.  Instructor in Shorthand & Typing:
Essential: i) Degree in Arts of recognized University or equivalent. ii) A Higher Certificate in Shorthand and Typing   from a recognized Institute iii) Two years professional & /or teaching experience iv) Knowledge of Konkani.  Desirable: i)Working knowledge of Business Machines ii)Knowledge of Marathi

3.  Technical Assistant:
Essential: i) B. Sc with Chemistry & Botany or Zoology as course of study. ii) Knowledge of Konkani.
Desirable: i) Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized University or other Institutions ii)Knowledge of Marathi

4.  Technician (Computer):
Essential: i) Diploma in Computer Engineering / Technology from a recognized Institute ii) Five years experience in installation/maintenance of computers iii) Knowledge of Konkani
Desirable: i) Degree in Computer Engineering/Science. ii) Knowledge of Marathi.

5.Technician (Electronics):
Essential: 1) Secondary School Certificate Examination or equivalent2) National Trade Certificate in the respective branch 3)At least 2 years experience in the line
Desirable: 1)Knowledge of Konkani and /or Marathi.

6. Junior Stenographer:
Essential: 1) Higher Secondary School Certificate or equivalent qualification from a  recognized Institution 2)  Should be Computer literate 3)Speed of 100 w.p.m  in short hand and 35 w.p.m in typewriting 4) Knowledge of Konkani.
Desirable: Knowledge of Marathi.

7.  Laboratory Assistant:
Essential: i)Intermediate/Sr.Cambridge/Higher Secondary Certificate with Science subjects or equivalent qualifications ii) Knowledge of Konkani. Desirable: i) Experience of handling tools and stores. ii) Knowledge of Marathi.

8.Library Assistant:
Essential: i) Passed Secondary School Certificate Examination  ii) Diploma or Certificate course in Library Science.   iii) Knowledge of Konkani
Desirable: i) Knowledge of Marathi

9. Assistant Electrician:
Essential: i) Middle School or equivalent ii) Wireman’s competency Certificate issued by Government Licensing Board. iii) One year’s experience with approved contractors/Government Organisation. iv) Knowledge of Konkani.
Desirable :i) Knowledge of Marathi

10. Driver (H/V):
Essential: i. Middle school or equivalent Qualification ii) Driving licence for heavy vehicles iii) Unblemished experience  of atleast two years in the line.iv) Knowledge of Konkani.   Desirable: i. Knowledge of Marathi

11. Lower Division Clerk:
Essential: i) Higher Secondary School Certificate or equivalent qualification from a  recognized institution.
ii) Should be Computer literate iii) Knowledge of Konkani. Desirable: i) Knowledge of Marathi

12. Library Attendant:
Essential: i) Std VIII Pass ii) Knowledge of Konkani   Desirable: i) Knowledge of Marathi

13. Cleaner cum Conductor:
Essential: i) VII Std pass  or equivalent preferably in English. ii) Conductor’s License issued by the Director of Transport  iii) Unblemished experience of at least two years in the line. iv) Knowledge of Konkani
Desirable: i) S.S.C or equivalent qualification preferably in English. ii) Driving License for Heavy vehicles, issued by the Director of Transport. iii) Knowledge of Marathi.

14. Hamal:
Essential: i) Should be literate. ii) Knowledge of Konkani   Desirable: i) Knowledge of Marathi

15. Machine Attendant:
Essential: i) Middle School or equivalent qualification ii) Two years experience in maintenance of Machinery/Engines in  reputed workshop or organization iii)) Knowledge of Konkani  Desirable: i) Knowledge of Marathi.

16.Laboratory Attendant:
Essential: i) Std VIII pass or equivalent (English) ii) Knowledge of Konkani  Desirable: i) 2 years experience in a reputed industry/Laboratory/Workshop ii) Knowledge of Marathi.

17. Peon:
Essential: i) Middle School or equivalent qualifications preferably in English ii) Knowledge of Konkani  Desirable: i) Knowledge of Marathi

1) Age limit for the above posts is 42 years( relaxable upto five year for Government servants, up to 5 years for ST/SC, upto 3 years for OBC and upto 10 years for PH) in accordance with the instructions/orders issued by the Government from time to time.
2) The appointments of Lower Division Clerks, Junior Stenographer and Drivers will be subject to the orders that may be passed by the Goa Branch of the Bombay High Court in the Writ Petition No. 318/06, No. 140/06 and 131/06.
3) Number of above vacancies are likely to change. Wait listed candidates will be taken up for filling the posts in the  event of increase in vacancies and subject to obtaining NOC from Personnel Department.
4) The candidates already in Government service should send their applications through proper channel
5) Incomplete applications without attested copies of  certificates, applications without relevant certificates and those received after the prescribed date will not be entertained under any circumstances, whatsoever.
6) Separate applications are to be given for each different post.

Last Date : 26/11/2012.

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